Lollipop is no more 😮
It is true, as of December 19th Lollipop will be no more. The app you know and love isn’t going anywhere though, very sorry to scare you, we should have probably said that sooner… We are however gearing up for a big change and we’ve got a brand new name to match.
What does this mean for me?
Straight to the most important question of all. On December 19th you will still be able to plan, shop, and cook in the exactly same way as before, and the new app will even be on the same place on your phone, so no having to reformat that home screen.
The only thing you’ll have to do is tell your friends about [yet to be announced name] instead of Lollipop.
I love saying Lollipop shop, do you really have to change the name?
We have loved the Lollipop brand too but we're a bit bored about talking about cockney rhyming slang. When our company's goal is to help you eat better effortlessly, it is hard being named after a sugary snack, hindsight really is 20/20.
Therefore we have made the decision to rename, but have gone with the option that was a clear winner with you, our community. Also, we are really excited to show you some superb new features that align with our overall goals.
We’ll be hinting at the new name on our social media, before a big announcement next week, best of luck guessing in the meantime.
The (soon to be former) Lollipop Team